London: Baloch patriot leader Hyrbyair Marri has said that Majeed Baloch (junior) acted on the ideology and philosophy of ‘his late brother’ Shaheed Majeed Baloch senior; he repeated the history of his brothers and other Baloch martyrs of liberation. Sagaar-e-Baloch and Majeed Baloch (junior) added their names in the list of other Baloch Martyr brothers; they recorded a new chapter in the history of Balochistan and Baloch freedom struggle. Their sacrifices will always be remembered. Those who sacrificed their lives for the independence of Baloch land; lived like loins and also died like as brave heroes with honour and dignity.
Baloch youth should learn from the sacrifices of Shaheed Majeed Baloch (senior), Sagaar-e-Baloch and Majeed Baloch (junior); Baloch should practically work and lead the Baloch caravan of freedom struggle to its final destination. We (Baloch) should be inspired by the sacrifices of our brave brothers who had paid the ultimate price for our better future. Because of the sacrifices of thousands of Baloch known and unknown brave friends Baloch liberation struggle is gaining momentum on every forum. Baloch courageous son are sacrificing their today (life) for Baloch Nation’s bright future. (Baloch are tolerating all sort of difficulties today, so that tomorrow their next generation can live a happy and prosperous life).
Meanwhile Baloch political parties and Student Organisations have also paid rich tributes to Majeed Baloch (2nd) and vowed to continue the liberation struggle. The Baloch parties in Balochistan announced three days mourning for Majeed Baloch. In addition thousands of people joined the prayer ceremony in News Khan to show their solidarity with the ‘Family of Martyrs’ and paid their respects to the brave son of Balochistan.
Courtesy: Baloch National Newspapers
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