Sunday 26 September 2010

Hyrbyair Marri decides to apply for political asylum in the UK

London: Patriot Baloch leader Nawabzada Hairbyar Marri said that his intention to live in Britain is to expose the barbarism of Pakistan against Baloch people in accordance with International laws; “I did not violate any law during my stay in the United Kingdom”. He further said in his statement that Britain protects her own interests but it (the UK) doesn’t see the Pakistani state atrocities against the people of Balochstan. He said, bringing the plight of my oppressed Nations and occupied country to the knowledge of International community was his basic right and National responsibility; it is neither terrorism nor a crime. However, the British government has tried and is still trying to make his stay impossible in the UK by deliberately creating unfavorable situations. According to him they (the government) are trying their hardest to limit his movements and stay in the country.

“I did not apply for political asylum in the United Kingdom before and neither did I have any such intentions but as the whole world and Baloch know that the British government with the collaboration of Pakistan had arrested me on baseless allegation in 2007. They (authorities) thoroughly investigated my political activities, personal bank accounts, and computer and personal files including my all travelling documents. Even before my arrest all my friends were being stopped at airports and questioned about me for several hours. The security had also been watching me which made me feel that the intentions of British government were not positive. It had become clear the government, especially, the govt of Mr. Tony Blair wanted to detain me”.

He further said that using the cases as a justification they harassed his close friends abroad and made their lives difficult. Meanwhile they tried to influence Gulf and European countries against him by sending false reports to these countries. “They also tried to misguide European countries and recommended them to cancel my visa. Because of such self-made and insincere reporting of British government I still could not be able to travel to these European countries”.

“In 2009 a British jury acquitted me of three cases after a full trial and complete investigation. The prosecution had decided to withdrawn the remaining cases against me due to lack of evidence. Despite my acquittal the British government continue to hold my travel document and refused to return my previous visa; which is an unfair and discriminatory act”. He said that without these vital documents, especially without previous visa, “I cannot move around freely and neither can I travel abroad to meet my friends and political colleagues. Since I have been acquitted in Britain under British law; now the authorities have no moral and legal grounds to cancel my visa and hold my other documentation”. Mr. Marri said that, however, the British government is still continuing its aggressive fashion against him to limit his political activities. “I think the British government’s stubbornness is meant to keep me under pressure and they want to silence the voice of Baloch struggle for their defence and national freedom”.

He stated that when he asked for his previous (canceled) visa to be reinstated, the authorities said they cannot return his old visa; however, he could only be issued a new visa if he takes in employment in the country. “It is laughable that one hand they accuse me of terrorism and other serous offensive on the other offer of employment”, said Mr. Marri. “It is worth reminding that under my old visa I could apply for British citizenship after a few months but if they issue me a new visa, I have to wait for a long time to have the right to apply for British Passport. He said he could apply for political asylum in any country. According Mr. Marri’s statement he was not fond of living in a country like United Kingdom where he had been put behind bars under serious allegations.

However, the International immigration laws don’t permit one to apply for asylum in another country if you are already present in a European country or if you have lived in an European country for sometime. “I don’t live in the UK as a tourist or for entertainment; I’m fighting to defend my people in the legal battle ground in accordance with International laws and Geneva conventions as a political worker. Hence, for these reasons the government doesn’t seem happy with my stay here (in the UK). The discriminatory acts of the British government have left me no other option to stay in the country and I’m compelled to apply for political asylum. In the better interest of Baloch Nation and Balochistan and after consulting with professional legal advisers (friends) I eventually decided to directly seek political asylum in the United Kingdom, because I think at this moment of time to raise voice for Independent Balochistan this (asylum) is the only option I have". 

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